Tag Archives: found text poetry

carefully strange

Two of my found poems appear in Dinosaur Bees, A Journal of the Carefully Strange.
Please go and read them here:
Dinosaur Bees Issue #2

fresh start

found text poem cut from 1800’s romance novel


found haiku cut from 1800’s children’s reader.

for one single impression

with my snowy fairy

found poem cut up poem from 1800’s children’s magazine

for magpie tales


found tanka

found poem cut from 1800’s children’s reader

for one single impression


found poem tanka cut from 1800’s children’s school book

for magpie tales

found haiku cut from 1800’s children’s school textbook.

after walking the path past your house

found poem, cut from 1800’s romance novel


 Found poem, cut and paste collage poem

from 1800’s romance novel with misspelling, but definition of “stod” found in urban dictionary here: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=stod

circus act

found text poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine.


found haiku created from cutting phrases from an 1800’s children’s school book.


found haiku
found poem
cut poem from 1800’s children’s textbook
for one single impression


found text poem from 1800’s children’s magazine for magpie tales


found haiku
found poem cut from 1800’s romance novel
for one single impression

sunday roast

found haiku
found poem cut from 1800’s romance novel
for one single impression


found haiku
found poem cut from 1800’s romance novel.


found haiku cut from 1800’s children’s textbook


found haiku
found poem cut from 1800’s romance novel

the wandering life

found text poem cut from children’s magazine


found haiku
cut up poem cut from 1800’s children’s textbook
for magpie tales



found poem
cut up poetry
cut from 1800’s children’s school text for big tent poetry


found haiku cut from 1800’s children’s school text
for sunday scribblings


found haiku cut from 1800’s children’s school textbook
for one single impression: champion
I could not come up with a title for this as the haiku seemed to stand on its own.

rock bottom

found poem


found poetry
found poem
found haiku cut from 1800’s children’s textbook.
for magpie tales

behind the canned string beans

found haiku cut from 1800’s children’s school book.


found haiku cut from 1800’s children’s school book.
for magpie tales

the willow manor ball

for the willow manor ball


found haiku cut from 1800’s children’s magazine
for magpie tales


found poem cut from 1800’s children’s school reader

for magpie tales

in a birchwood forest

found haiku
found text poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine.

too late

found poem, found text poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine
for magpie tales


found haiku
found text haiku poem cut from 1800’s romance novel
for magpie tales


found haiku
found poem, cut poem from 1800’s children’s textbook


cut poem, found poem cut from 1800’s children’s school reader.


found poem
found text poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine
for magpie tales


found poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine.
for one single impression: pensive


found poem for we write poems


found haiku cut from 1800’s children’s school reader

found poetry for magpie tales

what you pay for

found poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine


found text poem for one single impression, cut from 1800’s children’s magazine.


found poem for magpie tales



Feel free to follow the poem starting with “he thought” Read it as many times around as you like.
found poem
found object
object poem for we write poems
found poem text cut from 1800’s children’s magazine


found haiku
found poem for one single impression cut from 1800’s romance novel


found haiku
found poem cut from 1800’s romance novel
for sunday scribblings and writer’s island


found poem
found text poem cut from 1800’s romance novel.


found poem
found haiku for magpie tales

bread, yeast, and love

altered From The American Frugal Housewife
for big tent poetry


found poem from 1800’s romance novel


found text poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine
found poem for big tent poetry


found poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine


found text poem for one single impression

go forth and sow your oats

found text poem for magpie tales
found poem from 1800’s childrens’ school book

poem in four photos

a poem of my own creation for big tent poetry


found poem with found object
found text poem from 1800’s children’s magazine

fortune hunter

found poem for magpie tales
found text poem from 1800’s children’s magazine

bed time

found poem
found text poem for wordle prompt for big tent poetry
feel free to read it in any order you like


found poem
found text haiku for one single impression prompt: dawn


found text poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine
found poem for big tent poetry

how it begins

found image from 1800’s school reader
found text form 1800’s children’s magazine
found poem for big tent poetry

career day assignment

for big tent poetry


found haiku
found poem cut from 1800’s children’s textbook
for magpie tales

for charles henry, aged four years

found poem
found haiku for magpie tales


found text poem
for sunday scribblings


found text poem
for haiku bones

the farmer’s daughter

found poem
found text poem
for one single impression


found poem
found text poetry

for big tent poetry


found poem
found text poenm cut from 1800’s romance novel
for magpie tales


for sunday scribblings


for haikubones


found poem. found text poem cut from 1800’s romance novel
for one single impression prompt: floating

look yonder

found poem
found text poem cut from 1800’s children’s school reader
for big tent poetry
I took a little leeway with the word prompts. I did however, find the word “doffs” after I finished the poem. Sigh, maybe for some other day.


found poem
found text poem cut from 1800’s children’s school reader
for magpie tales


found poem
found haiku
found text haiku poem cut from 1800’s children’s school reader

parting instructions

altered assemblage soft sculpture cloth art doll with found objects and found poetry.

poem on base reads:

think, when you grow up

conquer this timid feeling,
which you now indulge

you must learn, for the
good of others. to risk personal
danger, and to be willing to bear
pain of body as well as mind, if
called upon to suffer while doing
your duty to others

learn, also, this harder
lesson,-a willingness to encounter
bodily pain, and even greater danger,
for the good of others

then, my child, to trust in Him
who always watches over us for

found poem
found text poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine


found poem
found text poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine

for peaceful pandemonium

wives’ tale

found poem
found text cut from 1800’s romance novel
for one single impression-trembling

at eighty three

found text poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine

for Magpie Tales


found text poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine


found text poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine

what is left

the peonies

found text poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine.


found text poem cut from 1800’s romance novel.

santuario de la mariposa monarca

found text haiku poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine

for sunday scribblings prompt: event
also for magpie tales



found text poem cut from 19th century children’s magazine.

much to learn

found text poem cut from 19th century children’s magazine.

she found what she was looking for, rest her soul

found text poem cut from 19th century children’s magazine


found text haiku from 1800’s children’s magazine

for a while

found text poem cut from 1800’s children’s magazine